
Oukro works with Safety Guard, the VanDrie Group's quality system. With Safety Guard, we guarantee food safety, animal welfare and traceability throughout our entire production chain. 

This quality system is based on ISO 22000. Various other standards are also guaranteed. With the aid of Safety Guard, Oukro and the VanDrie Group comply with the Dutch veal sector's quality system: Vitaal Kalf (Fit Calf). The Foundation for Quality Guarantee of the Veal Sector (Stichting Kwaliteitsgarantie Vleeskalversector, SKV) carries out sampling throughout the chain in order to guarantee that calfskins meet the highest standards. 

Traceability throughout the entire chain
A unique aspect of Safety Guard is its traceability system. The calves have unique ear tag numbers that are always linked to the animal. This enables us to know at which farm the animal was kept or even born. All skins are laser coded (Hex code) based on the unique ear number. In this way, all data remains linked to the skin.

All skins are laser coded based on the unique ear number. In this way, this unique code remains linked to the skin and we are able to trace an individual skin back to, for example, the birth farm or veal farm.